We are coaching teens to high-performance leadership by providing a safe and supportive learning experience in which teens can learn and grow. Developing effective leadership and communication skills, resulting in self-management, confidence and personal growth.
Imagine how much further you could be in life if someone took the time to teach you how to effectively manage your choices. What if they encouraged you to explore, dream big, and discover your potential for an abundant life? Consider the possibilities and accomplishments that might be available to you if someone believed in you enough until you believed in yourself.
Author-Public Speaker-Youth Leadership Coach November 24, 2024
The next generation of entrepreneurs is already here, and they’re all around us—in our schools, communities, and homes! These young dreamers are developing unique ideas and solutions to today's challenges. As the District 25 Youth Leadership Chair, I’m excited to help nurture these bright young innovators through the Toastmasters Youth Leadership program!
Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program (YLP).
Designed for teens aged 13-17, YLP offers more than just public speaking skills. It’s a dynamic space where creativity meets leadership, and young participants unlock their entrepreneurial potential. Picture this: a budding business mogul presenting their first elevator pitch or a future CEO leading a team through a brainstorming session. These are the kinds of moments we foster during YLP workshops. Read this full article on LinkedIn.
(24) Empowering Future CEOs Through Toastmasters Youth Leadership | LinkedIn
# Communication # Interpersonal Skills #Public Speaking #Leadership Development #youth leadership #Youthpreneurals # Personal Branding #Entrepreneural Skills
2024 Winter Toastmasters and Teen CEO Youth Leadership partner to provide a combined service with teens. The workshop begins Nov. 16th -Jan. 18th.
EMAIL THE COORDINATOR AT youthleadership@d25toastmasters.org OR Teen.ceo.2019@gmail.com
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and fund our mission.